Picnic Time

Establishment, food and cafe at 20/34 Murradoc Road, Drysdale, VIC 3222, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Picnic Time: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Establishment   Food   Cafe  

20/34 Murradoc Road
VIC 3222
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+61 3 5251 5363


Reviews of Picnic Time

    Russell Kenner Added July 02, 2020
    Great place to entertain and feed the kids. Not bad for adults either.
    Diane Rea Added June 25, 2020
    friendly staff, yummy slices, great coffee and a clean facility with a kids playground.
    Ali's Creations Added June 22, 2020
    Amazing yummy food with the cutest reindeer choc truffles. Staff are always so friendly and helpful. My kids love going there.
    Rachel P Added June 21, 2020
    Cafe with an indoor playground with ball pit best suited to preschool aged children. Great coffee and friendly staff. Lollybar probably not a necessity but the kids loved it
    Erin Added June 15, 2020
    Excellent coffee, with a playground that is perfect for toddlers. There is a ball pit, two slides and climbing wall. They have lots of tables with views for supervision. The staff are always friendly.

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Picnic Time

The phone number for Picnic Time is +61 3 5251 5363.

2. Where is Picnic Time located?

Picnic Time is located at 20/34 Murradoc Road Drysdale, VIC 3222.

3. Is there a primary contact for Picnic Time

You can contact Picnic Time by phone using number +61 3 5251 5363.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Picnic Time

The website for Picnic Time is .

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Today's weather in Drysdale VIC

13:00 23 1015 hPa 53 % 5 m/s 16:00 26 1012 hPa 38 % 5 m/s 19:00 24 1011 hPa 42 % 2 m/s 22:00 21 1012 hPa 42 % 2 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Drysdale VIC

01:00 21 1011 hPa 41 % 4 m/s 04:00 20 1010 hPa 46 % 6 m/s 07:00 22 1011 hPa 56 % 9 m/s 10:00 25 1011 hPa 55 % 11 m/s 13:00 30 1009 hPa 37 % 8 m/s 16:00 19 1011 hPa 78 % 9 m/s 19:00 17 1014 hPa 90 % 3 m/s 22:00 17 1015 hPa 91 % 1 m/s

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